If you’re looking for a wrongful death attorney Waukee, IA residents trust or an attorney who can help you get compensation for serious injuries suffered in a car crash, you have a lot to think about. Car accidents can cause extreme emotional distress for victims, making the accident more than just physically damaging. Many people are so focused on healing from their physical injuries that they’re not aware that they’re suffering extreme emotional damage as well. Following are some hints that show you may be suffering from emotional problems after a car accident.
Reliving the Accident
One big sign of post-accident emotional trauma is reliving the accident over and over in your head. You could be having nightmares of the accident, or you could be reliving the accident over and over during waking hours.
Overwhelming Emotions
A major sign of emotional and mental trauma is an overwhelming feeling of sadness and depression that you can’t shake. Your sense of safety was taken away after the accident, so you may be terrified of it being taken away again. You may also be struggling to deal with the road to physical healing that you have to go through. All of these emotions are valid and very real.
If you find yourself isolating and hiding away, you could be struggling to find a safe space after the accident. The issue here is that hiding away could make it difficult to accept or reach out for help. Click here to read more if you’d like to speak with someone further about this.
Whether you’re looking for a wrongful death attorney Waukee, IA residents trust or looking for an attorney to help you with other issues relating to your accident, we can help. Click here to read more, or call us to schedule an appointment.